Month: January 2020


How to Caramelize Onions

Makes 2 cups Add oil to large skillet (at least 12 inches), over high heat. Once oil shimmers, add onions and sprinkle salt evenly over them. For the next five minutes, stir onions frequently, encouraging them to release their moisture. Reduce heat to medium and set timer for 45 minutes. […]


Best Chicken Cutlets

Difficulty Easy

(Serves 4-5 people) 3  6-8 oz boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1/2 cup all purpose flour 2 eggs, beaten 2 cups panko bread crumbs 2 tsp seasoned salt (I use Simply Organic) 12 tbsp grapeseed oil 5 tbsp Kosher salt 1/4 tsp black pepper Dissolve 4 tbsp of kosher salt into […]